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3 ways to use upsells to increase sales


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It's high time to make different now

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Can we please get a feature to offer a different product at checkout, not a version of the same product, but a different product altogether. The upsell system doesn't work because it assumes variants of the same product. I would like to offer my customer bigger bundle which includes all my products for one low price, but you can't do that the way the upsell feature works.

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Lady Boss Nomad

Is there going to be a video training on this?

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I'm selling comics - so lots of small products that all could interest the same buyer. Configuring such an upsale seems kinda pointless to me in my case as it's not a single related product I want to offer but lots. It would be cool though if we could offer a discount when people put more stuff in the cart. Like if you put products with value over X$ in total into the cart you get Y% discount on checkout. (And of course, on checkout display a message if the discount is not met: "Put products with Z more value into your cart to receive A% discount") I think this would be an interesting solution for shops that sell many small products as it should also increase the number of stuff people buy, but also reduce the number of mini transactions. (Also promotes the shopping cart button ^^).

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Hy, I am italian. Teacher, coach, mindfulness trainer. I want to use gumroad. I find difficolt. First because english is my secondo language. Also, I have to learn. Whey you advice me to use gumroad for my online corse, and not thinkfic or teacheable? Please help me wich piattaforma use because I have weschool that js Allo free. My courses on line are in different topic and I plan to make the english version. I need to understand gumroad please help me.

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I i moroco but anw this

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Hi i m othman in moroco

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Blue Angel Series

Hi. I have 3 episodes of my series. How do I create a product with all the episodes? Thank you.

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Hi, How do I make traffic into my products?

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Hi, How do I make traffic into my products?

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Nkezea Anjitem

Hi how do I start making sales?

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Ajith .R

You listed your city above. What should someone who is considering moving to your city know? Be specific. Note: Your submission will be scanned for plagiarism. In addition to my writing sample being evaluated for grammar and similar issues, I would like to help people by voluntarily contributing it to a global project cataloging cities. Nothing additional is required from you. Your

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