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“Add to cart” has been added to Gumroad


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Salvatore Giommarresi

Thank you :)

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Chris Michals

perfect - yes, a definite must have feature - very good!!

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Sovereign Subliminals

Very nice!

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Royston Children's Book Store

Thank you and Awesome!!!

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Sophia J Caldwell

Where is the 'Continue Shopping' button supposed to direct to? In my case, customers are taken to the Gumroad homepage. Can I customize where that button directs to? In my case, I need it to direct back to my shop page on my own website. As it stands this is confusing for my customers and doesn't work!

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did you find a solution?

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Awesome. However we keep seeing the add to cart icon on our website (where we intergrated gumroad) overlaying existing menu items. Any way to disable the cart if not needed?

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I see no replies but did you get an answer to this?

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Matt Olpinski

I'm also interested in this. My use case is better suited to single purchases with the in-page overlay, not opening a cart in a new tab. Can we get an answer to this please?

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No hay vuelta atrás

any luck? It happens the same to me. I cannot open the website menu because there's that shopping cart icon on top of it. Please, help

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Alfredo Abambres

Also interested in disabling the cart, or at least, allow us to choose each option on a per product basis. Single purchases are what we need most of the time.

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Char Wilcox

Thank you so much! Being able to allow our customers to get more than one thing at a time will make them very happy! I have freebies that could easily lead to sales with the cart option. I'm excited and thank you for making gumroad an amazing place!!

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Liz de Souza

Thanks guys: this was something my clients always asked for. A question: does the “Pix” option for payments in Brazil in the list of next news for us?

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the Krafty Planner

Yes! I was just looking today for a way to include an upsell. Can't wait for that feature!

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TM skins

It would be awesome if you also focused on making it clear for customers that there are more products on a page than just the landing page. Somehow indicate that if the customer scrolls down, there are more than the 9 products on the landing page.

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Jovan Cicmil

Can I configure the upsells on a product myself? For instance, when people buy my freelancing book, can I make sure they see my freelance course as an upsell option?

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Terletskyi Vladyslav

Thank you

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ArtyStack Store

Thanks for this update!!! I really appreciate all improvements you've done so far. I REALLY HOPE the new features include the chance to add CROSS-SELL DISCOUNTS soon, so customers who buy more than # quantity or products to the same seller, will get a pre-defined discount. This is already available in other platforms like ArtStation. This would be awesome for Gumroad sellers too! :)

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JZ Impulse Responses

Yes! This would be awesome!!

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excellent, but the different shipping prices dont apply when multiple items are added. If i have a shipping cost of $0 for "amount with others", it still applies the "amount alone" for the shipping of each item

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Island Botanica

Yes, I have this same issue! Have you found a solution?

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Thank you for the additional features! I'll be sharing Gumroaf with others who need this for their business.

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I am a leathercraft designer from Nigeria we are unable to use gumroad to see our high demand digital product/patterns as we can't receive payment via PayPal. Kindly help out on this Team Gumroad

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I am a leathercraft designer from Nigeria we are unable to use gumroad to see our high demand digital product/patterns as we can't receive payment via PayPal. Kindly help out on this Team Gumroad

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Awesome. Is there a way to add a custom domain, so customers don't land on the domain?

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Nathan Roman

Way to go Gumroad!! 🚀

Gumroad turns 14 with an Open-Source Hackathon! 🚀

A trip down Gumroad: How it started

What we shipped in February:, testimonials, audio previews, and UTM links

2025: make Work play

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